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Märta Mattsson


Jewelry artist

Märta Mattsson, born in 1982 in Stockholm, Sweden, is a jewelry artist. She holds an MFA from London Royal College of Arts and a BFA from HDK-Valand, Gothenburg, in Jewelry art and studied at Rhode Island School of Design and at Tokyo’s Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry. Her creations have been described as KimoKawaii, a mix of kawaii (cute) and kimoi (disgusting): Märta explores the tension between attraction and repulsion and translates bizarre fantasies into ornament. For the Misschiefs exhibition, she created not a jewelry artwork, but rather a design item, a set of two blown-glass lamps. She has exhibited and is represented in Sweden’s most important museums as well as in international design institutions, such as the New York Museum of Art and Design.

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