Hanna Stansvik
During the fall of 2020 when we stayed at Linnégatan 4, Misschiefs invited women artists and designers we love to take over the central stage, which was visible from the street window, for a limited number of days.
Hanna Stansvik was our first guest star! Hanna is a Swedish artist based in Stockholm. She studied fine art for two years at Örebro art school and art history, gender studies, and art pedagogy at the universities in Stockholm and Uppsala. Hanna is a painter whose art deals with corporeality and presence. She often paints self portraits, partly due to convenience but also because it gives her the opportunity to be experimental, irreverent and playful with her subject matter. The paintings are characterised by a fleshy realism and unconventional poses and composi- tions, as well as a distinct lack of signifying objects.
During her take over Hanna painted a self-portrait live on site, the local public could see her work from the street window and meet her. The event was also lived streamed on our social media channels.